Tripp- Delmont Daily Announcements
Wednesday January 15th 2025
Lunch today: Hamburgers
Honor Roll Pictures will be taken Thursday During 7th period. The list of honor roll is posted outside the main office Mrs. Browns room
today any 8th grader who is wanting to go on to the Career Fair tomorrow need to have their permission and pink slips to Mr. Erlandson by the end of the day.
Drama Students Please sign up for play readings on Mrs. Leibel's office window for today and tomorrow .
The glass slipper is Saturday February 1st 9:00AM- 4:00PM at River Tree Church, Mitchell, SD
Tuesday January 14th 2025
Lunch today: Spaghetti
Drama Students Please sing up for play readings on Mrs. Leibel's office window for Wednesday and Thursday.
The glass slipper is Saturday February 1st 9:00AM- 4:00PM at River Tree Church, Mitchell, SD
TD basketball athletes to be excused at 2:15pm
Good Luck to all the basketball players as they take on ACDC
Monday January 13th 2025
Lunch today: Tangerine Chicken
Drama Students Please sing up for play readings on Mrs. Leibel's office window for Wednesday and Thursday.
The glass slipper is Saturday February 1st 9:00AM- 4:00PM at River Tree Church, Mitchell, SD
JH Girls Basketball please dismiss at 2:30. Leave ASAP.
Good Luck to the JH boys and Girls basketball team as they take on ACDC!!
Friday January 10th 2025
Lunch today: Pulled Pork
The last day for adding/dropping a course will be today. Please see Mrs. Leibel or Mrs. Lau for these changes.
The glass slipper is Saturday February 1st 9:00AM- 4:00PM at River Tree Church, Mitchell, SD
Thursday January 9th 2025
Lunch today: Beef Stroganoff
The last day for adding/dropping a course will be this Friday, January 10th . Please see Mrs. Leibel or Mrs. Lau for these changes.
The Jr high girls basketball will be leaving at 4:45. Good luck to the Jr high girls and boys basketball team as they take on Mitchell Christian
The glass slipper is Saturday February 1st 9:00AM- 4:00PM at River Tree Church, Mitchell, SD
Wednesday January 8th 2025
Lunch today: Pizza
Happy Birthday: Kymber Parker
The last day for adding/dropping a course will be this Friday, January 10th . Please see Mrs. Leibel or Mrs. Lau for these changes.
All Jr.High will go to the study hall during 4th period tomorrow
There will be a Drama meeting today for the following students for a working lunch from 123:30-1:00. Please dismiss the students at 12:25. Meeting will be held in the study hall room. Thank you.
2024-2025 Drama Students
Seniors: Sirenity, Kattee, Addie, Jamie Jacey (lights and curtains)
Juniors: Belle, Emily, Lily
Sophomores: Madison, Lilly, Mia B, Mia R
Freshmen: Aspen
8th Graders: Leah D, Emily M, Jacob M
7th Graders: Nevaeh Mya
Tuesday January 7th 2025
Welcome back!!
Lunch today: Chicken Patty
The last day for adding/dropping a course will be this Friday, January 10th . Please see Mrs. Leibel or Mrs. Lau for these changes.
All Jr.High will go to the study hall during 4th period tomorrow
Varsity basketball players excused at 1:45 today as they travel to Kimball to take on Wild Kats
There will be a Drama meeting on Wednesday, January 8th for the following students for a working lunch from 123:30-1:00. Please dismiss the students at 12:25. Meeting will be held in the study hall room. Thank you.
2024-2025 Drama Students
Seniors: Sirenity, Kattee, Addie, Jamie Jacey (lights and curtains)
Juniors: Belle, Emily, Lily
Sophomores: Madison, Lilly, Mia B, Mia R
Freshmen: Aspen
8th Graders: Leah D, Emily M, Jacob M
7th Graders: Nevaeh Mya